Q: How do I get everything ready for my party so I can be present with my guests? I want to make sure they have a good time.
A: Organization! An unorganized hostess will have an unorganized party. Know your limitations. If you can hire a caterer, then you will have more time to spend with your guests. If you cannot hire a caterer, then make sure you keep your menu simple. I only prepare things that can be made in advance so the day of the party the only thing needed is to warm up items in the oven. You can hire a few high school students and assign them the kitchen. You can still oversee what they are doing, but this frees you up to mingle. If you are hosting a party, and you have no additional help, then I would suggest a buffet that is simple. Do a “make your own” sandwich, tacos, salad, etc. The number of extra hands you have will determine the type of party you can host. The more hands, the more extravagant the party. The fewer hands, the more simple you need to keep things. In the end, it is all about extending hospitality to your guests. They are there to enjoy your friendship, not to eat a 5-star meal.