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Honor Your Marriage By Honoring God

Louie is 8 months old. He is still a puppy and has a lot of energy. Every morning I sit in my reading chair to study my bible, catch up on news and read. It is my quiet time before the storm of the day hits. I crack the door to the backyard so I can hear the fountain outside. I love the sound of running water. In the winter, I keep the door wide open. Our dogs can roam in and out and I feel the cool breeze. Last week my husband said, “It’s that time of year again.” I knew what that meant. The season was upon us where the door must remain shut. Not because of heat, but because of the wayward mosquitos that start hovering in our humid, Texas climate. They usually do not bother me, so their bite is rarely on my mind, but they are drawn to my husband like he is a walking honey pot. So, I gave my annual sigh, and told him the door would remain closed until winter.⁠⠀


This morning, our 9-pound, 4-legged furball was exceptionally active. My husband had left for the office, and I thought, “I don’t see any mosquitos outside. I am sure it would be fine. I can just open the door halfway, and this would allow Louie to run in and out. It sure would be nice for him, and it would grant me time to read in peace.”⁠⠀


Sometimes I just need to have a conversation with myself, and this was one of those times. After rationalizing my position, I then said, “But, I promised my husband I would keep the door closed. Whether I think there are mosquitos or not, I gave him my word.” ⁠⠀


“He who walks in integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will be found out.” -Proverbs 10:9. I can pretend my great integrity was why I chose not to open the door, but there was a bigger reason. I was motivated to keep my promise, because I love my husband and want to live honorably. But what really motivated me was knowing that nothing I can do is hidden. “Would not God find this out? For he knows the secrets of the heart.” -Psalm 44:21. I gave my word to my husband, but I am accountable to God. ⁠⠀

I chose to keep the door shut. I lived up to my word. But even throughout all my rationalizing, what it came down to was, yes, I adore my husband, but ultimately, I serve God. And He is the one I want to please. “…so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work…” Colossians 1:10.


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