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29 Journal Prompts for Growth

These are unprecedented times. In the midst of the uncertainty the world can feel incredibly unfriendly, or it can feel like an opportunity is just on the horizon. We have a choice in the matter. A shift can be made in the way we look at the world and in the way our thoughts exist within our heads. I find that journaling is a powerful tool to assess our mental state and re-establish priorities.

It can feel intimidating to sit down in front of a blank page so here are 29 journal prompts which will help guide your process. Let these be a jumping off point for your own needs. If you feel resistant to the process that is okay, just press in and write. I find the times I least feel like writing are the times I usually need it the most. Once you start you may find a dam is released and you cannot stop. That is great, let things flow. Embrace the process and where you find yourself today.

1. On a scale of 1-10 how do you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally?

2. How did you sleep last night? What did you dream about?

3. If you close your eyes, do any parts of your body feel extra sore, painful, or weighty? Write about those areas.

4. What are 3 things you have coming up this week that you are excited about?

5. Write down 5 things you see, 4 things you feel, 3 things you hear, 2 things you smell, and 1 thing you taste. Now write down 3 things you are grateful for.

6. When you think of your childhood what is the first memory that pops into your head?

7. What do you love/think is unique about your personality?

8. Do you have any goals for this next year, the next 5? What are they and do you feel like you are taking the steps to accomplish them?

9. Are you happy?

10. What color makes you instantly smile?

11. Write about a special memory you cherish with a family member or friend (bonus, mail it to them, it will brighten their day)

12. What was an activity you loved as a kid? Do you ever do it now, as an adult? If not, what’s holding you back from trying it again?

13. Who was your favorite teacher growing up? What did you appreciate about them?

14. What makes you feel safe and taken care of? How can you get more of this in your life?

15. What is an artform that speaks to you? Have you ever tried creating in that medium? If so, what was the experience like?

16. What were your parents like while you were growing up?

17. What would an ideal weekend look like for you?

18. What is one thing you could do today that would take some stress off your life?

19. When do you feel most at peace? What activities are you doing? Who are you with, or are you alone?

20. What is your favorite thing to eat? Who introduced you to the dish, or what about it do you love so much?

21. How often do you read? What do you like to read?

22. Where is home to you?

23. What activities make your heart come alive?

24. What is something you have always wanted to do? What is keeping you from doing it?

25. When was the last time you felt incredibly loved and seen?

26. What voices come into your head when you are making a decision? What is their tone, are they excited, judgmental, supportive, negative, etc.?

27. What is one thing you would change about yourself? Why do you want it to change? What are you lacking now without it?

28. What is something you have been putting off? Why are you putting it off?

29. Where do you go for support?

I hope these journal prompts can give you inspiration and direction to dig a little deeper with yourself and spur on a time of growth and healing.

Alina Gersib


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