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Writer's pictureLisa Lou

Prophecy Fulfilled Enoch's Ascension

Updated: Jan 28, 2021


Genesis 5 focuses on the genealogy from Adam to Noah. It reads like a typical ancestral list, except when we come to the mention of Enoch in verse 24 where we read, “Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.” (Genesis 5:24/NIV). Most theologians point to Genesis 5:24 as a foreshadowing of the coming Christ. Enoch “walked faithfully.” Jesus “walked faithfully.” Enoch ascended into heaven. Jesus ascended into Heaven after he walked the earth 40 days following His resurrection. (Luke 24:50-51).

Enoch’s ascension to heaven is the first we see in the Bible. The second ascension is of Elijah, and the third, and last, is of Jesus. Because Enoch and Elijah did not die, some believe they are the two witnesses that will appear outside the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem during the 7-year Tribulation in the end times. (Revelation 11:3-6).

This theory is based on Hebrews 9:27a that says all people are destined to die once. Yet, Enoch and Elijah did not die, so how could this verse be correct? We read in Revelation 11 that the two witnesses will preach for 3.5 years, and then they will be killed. Thus, Enoch and Elijah could be the witnesses in Jerusalem, because after their assignment is complete, they will die. This would fulfill Hebrews 9 that says, “all are destined to die once.” This is just speculation, and there is other biblical proof that could point to Moses as one of the witnesses. It is an interesting theological discussion, but it is irrelevant to the salvation of Christians.

What is important is the first mention of ascension, which foreshadows the coming Christ, and its unique placement in the middle of Adam’s genealogy in the book of Genesis. It is also worthy to point out Enoch’s genealogy leads to Jesus.

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